Thursday, January 5, 2012

It's on and Poppin' in 2012!!!

I just wanted to take the time to wish every one of my fans a blessed and prosperous 2012! Last year was a banner year for me as I was able to branch out and go to South Beach, Miami for a month, I shot with over 18 photographers, I faced my fears, I saw myself grow as a model, and one of the most important: I inspired an increasing amount of people with my image, which is why I'm in this whole thing to begin with. I give God all the glory.

This year I'm settling for nothing less than an AWESOME year where I go to a whole other level with my career. I promise this to myself, my fans, and the world, and I'm believing God to empower me to make this happen.

I encourage all of you all to NEVER, EVER settle in life. Decide what you want, and go all out for it. You only live once!

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